Gardening adds years to your life,
and life to your years.
I am a busy executive with a large Insurance company working 50-60 hours per week and travelling several times a week. My wife convinced me, a few years ago, to start gardening to reduce my stress levels and also start eating healthier. To make a long story very short, it turned out to be a great change that was much needed in my life. This site is dedicated, and focused on, showing other busy people the pleasure of gardening, growing your own food and getting back to nature to reduce stress. I will share my experiences and give you helpful tips to help make your own gardening experience pleasurable and enjoyable. This channel is not focused on making money, but instead sharing my experiences and learning with other busy people that are looking to enjoy gardening as a way to reduce stress.

So how did a crazy busy executive with an Insurance company manage to grow hundreds of varieties of vegetables and pounds of food in his own backyard? Sign up below to get my free gardening tips and tricks and I’ll teach you how to keep your plants alive, maximize your garden bounty, and preserve the harvest.